Strategic Plan

In developing the MY Community Centre our strategic objectives over the next 3 years include:
Extending services to the community through better facilities
We will establish a new centre and religious centre to suit the needs of a growing a community with diverse needs. The centre will be fully accessible and large enough to accommodate ceremonies, festivals and events.
Widening reach by creating a new space and programme of activity
We will increase our range of provision aimed at all age groups and backgrounds in an affordable and accessible venue. We will create a community hall for large gatherings and events, breakout spaces for smaller group activities focussed on learning and development and create access to address health, educational and social inequalities. In doing so, we will contribute to a more resilient community by supporting people to develop their skills and by facilitating connections, help people and organisations be more mutually supportive and opportunistic. Learning and volunteering opportunities, especially for at risk young people, will be embedded throughout the development of the facility.
Developing enterprise by stimulating and growing commercial initiatives
We will develop a range of income streams to support the running costs of the facility and our charitable objectives. This will be principally through development of community space hire, membership & subscription generation. The enterprises will, as far as possible, work synergistically with the wider facility, foster a multicultural environment and be of value to core service users, whilst within the remit of the faith. Our enterprise activity will be sensitive to people and planet.
Operational Plan (To achieve the above, we recognise a need to)
To collaborate and build on strategic and operational partnerships to deliver positive outcomes across key areas.
To redevelop the indoor and outdoor spaces to be attractive, accessible, energy efficient and user friendly.
To promote and market our programmes and spaces effectively within the community, including new branding for the inclusive community space.
To invest in volunteer training and capacity building to ensure our venue and services are well managed and high quality.
To work towards a sustainable business model with longer term funding / investment and some self-generated income.